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Emma Saville – Ellivase Hypnobirthing

Congratulations on your pregnancy!  In the coming months you will be welcoming your baby and I am delighted that you are looking for a KGHypnobirthing teacher.  With the many physical, emotional and hormonal changes it sometimes feels like a game of snakes and ladders doesn’t it – as a qualified KGH Practitioner, I will take care of you. I will guide you through your KGHypnobirthing classes where you will discover so many wonderful techniques and so many “a-ha” moments that will inspire you, prepare you and lead you to the most empowering birth-day that you, your birth-partner and your baby will experience.  I love to connect on Instagram so come over and say hello on @ellivase_hypnobirthing where I will share some real treasures from birth educators, suppliers, midwives as well as events that I will host throughout the year – do come along if you can.  If you would like to meet to talk through any questions, I’d be delighted to catch up, we can have a cup of tea and a chat together or if you prefer, please send any questions to me.

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I love meeting people and have always had a caring disposition.  A FEDENT accredited hypnobirthing practitioner, qualified by the gold standard of hypnobirthing, KGH, and member of The Hypnobirthing Association, I have developed the Brain, Body, Birth concept that can enable a calm and efficient birth.  Additionally I am a qualified hypnotherapist and psychodynamic counsellor – these skills feed superbly into my delivery of hypnobirthing and you will find some fascinating facts and information as we travel along your pregnancy journey together.  

I have written articles for various publications, one was published in JUNO on 1 June 2024 edition – a great read – grab a copy!

I want you both to feel supported and special throughout your birthing journey too – you will never have this birth again or this experience again (with this pregnancy), which is why choosing the birth education and educator that is right for you is so important.


I don’t really have the words to express what you have given to me, after such a traumatic pregnancy I couldn’t have dreamt of meeting my baby girl any better – thank you so much!

Thank you so much for such a brilliant course – we both feel so comfortable and confident.  We are so excited to meet our baby and promise we will practice!

We have completely loved getting to know you!  You offer SO much more – not only hypnobirthing but all of your education on antenatal, our choices and so much more.  Excited is an understatement – we have no fears at all now – only days to count before we can turn the kitchen into our baby spa!

I LOVED the hypnobirthing experience. It was truly transformative for me. First two births were induced and long and arduous and then dicey at the end (perhaps a conventional standard?), but after hypnobirthing, the third felt breezy – almost enjoyable and empowering (although I realise this sounds absurd and rose-tinted!).


I felt like I could cope and my body could do it and that I just needed to retain focus on the little hot air balloon that was inflating and being pushed away repeatedly with each contraction for about a day and a bit!

I am a total convert and I’m sure you’ll hear that again and again from whoever you ask. I try to put the principles in action when I become worried or stressed at work, too.

The course  spread over one evening a week for 2.5-3 hours for four weeks.  The course can also be held over a weekend if preferred.  Face to face classes are held in the comfort of your chosen address, group courses are currently on hold due to venue availability.   The course is interactive, fun, friendly and informative.  If you have a family member or a friend who is also expecting why not join up together at your chosen address, I will offer a discount to the host.

In addition I host various events throughout the year – check my website for further details.

Included in all full courses is a power-hour, which enables you and/or your birth partner to refresh on any topic you wish or confidence build.  Alternatively you can book these separately if you are interested to what hypnobirthing is or perhaps you have covered your antenatal elsewhere and would really like to hone in on certain areas – they make every difference and top your education up beautifully!