I attended one of your courses in April, and I gave birth to a baby boy in the 29th May 5 days after my due date. It had been a stressful few data prior as I had reduced fetal movement and I was feeling pressure to have more intervention then I wanted. I agreed to a sweep a couple of days after my due date but didn’t want anything else.
I was upset and stressed but with support from my husband and family I carried on with my Hypnobirthing exercises not really sure if the were working or not :) I did practice as you said morning and afternoon with scripts at night with Damon.
I had been getting cramps for about a week so went to bed on 28th feeling no different to normal. I woke once with mild period pain about 2am on the 29th and just took some paracetamol. Then about 4 I felt a pop and my waters broke while I was asleep. I woke Simon and and as they were brown I was advised to go to hospital. I had to get my sister over to watch Gabriel our son and by the time she arrived I was getting Surges. They were manageable but getting stronger. I kept breathing as we had practiced.
We got to st Thomas hospital about 7 and I was pleased as it was getting intense but I was still breathing and thought I would be in labour for a long time yet.
My son Freddie was born one hour and a half later :) I did have gas but not for the last half hour. I refused examination as I didn’t feel comfortable having one.
He was 9lbs7oz and I had no stitches or tears. I was ecstatic and can only say thank you as I am putting this experience down to your amazing course.
I have recommend it to anyone who will listen. Once again a big thanks from all of us.