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Midwives’ Stories

It’s incredible. Mind blowing. Everything is positive. Amardeep
A lot of first time mothers come to us after taking hypnobirthing sessions. I have been amazed at how well these women have…
My first experience of attending a woman having a successful VBAC was a woman who used hypnobirthing – she was amazing! Mary Stewart,…
Dear Katharine,  Over the last few years as an independent midwife I have had an increasing number of encounters with clients who have had tru…
At an antenatal visit a mother came in almost shaking with fear:  Her pulse was 127 and her baby’s heart was 167.  She was put on the mon…
I had heard of hypnobirthing prior to starting my midwifery training but since being a student midwife I have seen the powerful effects of relaxati…
Katharine’s gentle but knowledgeable approach to HypnoBirthing offers her many clients a wonderful opportunity to prepare confidently and cal…
I find the work you do inspiring. I have been present at Hypnobirthing births and seen how in control the women are, and…
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